Tyler Perry Don’t want to replace HumanForce with Open Al in his films

Tyler Perry Don’t want to replace HumanForce with Open Al in his films

Tyler Perry has delayed his Atlanta studio expansion due to AI concerns, highlighting the potential job loss. While acknowledging AI’s filmmaking potential, Perry worries about its impact on workers.

For the past four years, Tyler Perry had been planning an $800 million expansion of his studio in Atlanta, which would have added 12 soundstages to the 330-acre property. Now, however, those ambitions are on hold — thanks to the rapid developments he’s seeing in the realm of artificial intelligence, including OpenAI’s text-to-video model Sora, which debuted Feb. 15 and stunned observers with its cinematic video outputs.

Tyler Perry

While Perry expressed that he sees the potential in technology as a filmmaker, “Being told that it can do all of these things is one thing, but actually seeing the capabilities, it was mind-blowing,” he said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter on Thursday. Perry sees the opportunity in these developments, but as an employer, fellow actor and filmmaker, he also wants to raise in the alarm. He also raised flags about the work opportunities it would end up taking from the human workforce. Also read – Top Gun actor Barry Tubb sued Paramount Pictures

Has Tyler Perry implemented AI in any of his films?

Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry said, he no longer would have to travel to locations. If he wanted to be in the snow in Colorado, it’s text. If he wanted to write a scene on the moon, it’s text, and this AI can generate it like nothing. If he wanted to have two people in the living room in the mountains, he don’t have to build a set in the mountains…he can sit in an office and do this with a computer, which is shocking to him.

He also revealed that he has used AI in two of his upcoming films that are going to be announced soon. He used AI in two films that are going to be announced soon. That kept him out of makeup for hours. In post and on set, He was able to use this AI technology to avoid ever having to sit through hours of aging makeup.


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