Ayo Edebiri Apologized to Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez said that Ayo Edebiri had apologized

Jennifer Lopez reveal that Ayo Edebiri apologized to her before they start the filming of SNL episode. Jennifer Lopez was the serving musical guest in the Saturday Nigt Live to promote here album “This Is Me…Now.”

What happen between Jennifer Lopez and Ayo Edebiri?

As the news of Lopez and Ayo working together for the SNL speard, this lead to resurface of some old comment of Edebiri criticizing Lopez during a 2020 podcast calling her “Scam Goddess.” Not only thay Edebiri had insulted Lopez vocal skills in the booth. Also read – Ex NFL Player Brandon Marshall Claimed Taylor Swift is the reason Kanye West Kick from Super Bowl

Ayo apology to Jennifer Lopez

 Jennifer said that Ayo told her “I’ m fucking sorry, it was so awful of me.” However Ayo didn’t stop there she used a skit to issue a public Apology, she didn’t mention Jennifer name but told that it was wrong from her part to leave mean comments and how stupid of her to do such a thing, and will be careful in the future to post or comment anything online.

Jennifer Lopez

,”It’s wrong to leave mean comments or post mean comments just for clout, or run your mouth on a podcast and you don’t consider the impact because you are 24, and stupid, but I think, I speak for everyone when I say that from now on, we’re gonna be a lot more thoughtful about what we post online.”

It look like Lopez accepted Ayo Apology. Obviously Ayo feel uneasy while work because of the mean comments she made but Lopez explained that she had face many similar things throughout her Career.

Seems like the Tension between them end well.


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